
The Ancient Dark Death Metal / Co. Carlow

THE ANCIENT DARK is a melodic death metal band from Ireland that was created by Adrian Foley (STEREO NASTY, NECROKINESIS, THE 8th DAY) and is set to release its self-titled debut EP in March 2022.

While functioning primarily within the melodic death metal genre, THE ANCIENT DARK also utilizes elements of doom, post metal and many other broader influences in the creation of its sound.

There is also a heavy emphais on songwriting dynamics with the focus being placed on powerful, emotive riffs and vocals that move bet ween an impassioned harshness and a haunting stillness. The songs are further enhanced with potent, memorable guitar leads and a punishing rhythm section.

A full length album is currently being written by Foley.




Death Metal, Melodic Death

Year Formed




Members (Current)

  • Adrian Foley - All Instruments / Vocals