
MALTHUSIAN: “Demo MMXIII” & “Below The Hengiform” Represses… Posted: 26/09/2019 by John O'Brien

INVICTUS PRODUCTIONS have seen fit to repress MALTHUSIAN’s murky beginnings in the form of new CD editions of the band debut “Demo MMXII” and “Below The Hengiform” EP.


The Dublin based band exploded onto the Irish and international scene when their unrivaled aural assault of dark, sinister, manic and relentless evil was unleashed back in 2013. And they have beaten all before them into complete submission with each release and live show since.

CD Repress of the 2013 “Demo MMXIII” with updated artwork…

Available from the Invictus Productions Webstore and Bandcamp

“Cavernous death metal bands are about a dime a dozen these days with a plethora of them coming out of the woodwork in the last few years. It is easy to dismiss Malthusian as just another one of these and not give them a chance. However, that would be a shame to do so as Malthusian know what they are doing and they could even reach the ranks held by Ulcerate, Portal, and Antediluvian.

Malthusian’s brand of blackened psychotic death metal is drenched in a thick atmosphere of hellish sludge. Vocals range from distorted growls to pained blackened screams that echo through the thick dissonant mud of the guitars. The thick dissonant riffs swirl around similar in style to Incantation with a heavy dosage of Immolation and often at a slow doom-like pace. The leads are often eerie, similar to many early 90s finnish bands keeping the listener squirming in discomfort. Other times the riffs spout bursts of very discordant and chaotic chords in Antediluvian style
This may be the band’s only demo but it is clear that Malthusian know what they are trying to achieve here and that they know how to do it. There is nothing warm at all about this release and everything flows together to maintain a hellish atmosphere.

If you are a fan of Antediluvian, Ævangelist, Ulcerate, Portal and similar bands then be sure to check this out. You won’t be disappointed.”

Repress of the 2015 “Below The Hengiform” EP…

Available from the Invictus Productions Webstore and Bandcamp

“Few bands can match Malthusian’s meteoric yet justified rise to prominence within death metals underground, which is why this article is as much, if not more, a brief summary of their history as it is a review of their latest release. This is a band everyone with a love for vehement death metal should be aware of, a band well on the road to greatness and one you’ll be hearing a lot more from in the future. Formed in 2012 the four piece features veterans from Ireland’s metal underground with Abaddon Incarnate, Altar of Plagues and Mourning Beloveth being just a few of the bands some of their members have played in. Malthusian has created a massive stir from their inception onwards, a stir that has since became a maelstrom as their importance and profile continue to ascend at an alarming rate. The beauty of this rise to prominence is so far they’ve only released one four track demo (MMXIII) which came out in November 2013. MMXIII almost instantly sold out from Invictus Productions, becoming an instant classic and many people’s demo of the year in the process. Their live debut had taken place earlier in 2013 with Gospel of the Horns, Bolzer, Zom and Dread Sovereign; and has since been followed by a string of other highly significant live dates. These stunning live performances further fuelled their reputation and to date they’ve shared stages with, amongst others, Inquisition, Cruciamentum, Dead Congregation, Behemoth and Primordial along with a spot at last year’s Hell’s Pleasure Festival. They also have a number of prestigious live dates planned for 2015 – Wolf Throne Festival in France, thirteen European dates with Altar of Plagues, a support slot with Portal in Dublin and a European tour with Negative Plane are just a few of their planned gigs for the first half of 2015. A certain highlight on their touring calendar will be at Martyrdoom IV in St Vitus Bar, Brooklyn, New York where they will share a billing with the likes of Necrophobic, Lvcifyre, and Phobocosm on the 6th of November. Malthusian’s music has its root’s firmly planted in cavernous death metal but they combine it with doom, black metal and other elements to create an infectious, all-encompassing, claustrophobic type of hate-filled, venomous death. Below the Hengiform features three tracks – The Gasless Billows, Slouching Equinox and Forms Become Vapour. I have no problem whatsoever with the production on their demo but on this Malthusian have managed to achieve bigger and better production without losing any of the sinister atmosphere from their debut. The first two tracks are each over nine minutes long and are hate-fuelled, demented trips into the twisted psyche that is Malthusian. This is a release that requires very little description – it destroys from start to finish – it’s really as simple as that and you’d be a fool not to snap it up on its release. Malthusian has been including closing track, Forms Become Vapour, in their live sets recently with devastating effect and it’s an absolute belter that’s every bit as potent on the EP. They recently shared it on their Bandcamp page and the link’s listed below, for those of you who may not have had the pleasure of hearing it yet. I’d seriously question anyone who doesn’t like this EP. Malthusian are part of a small group of bands who lead the pack in terms of inventiveness and are right up there with the likes of Portal and Antediluvian; combine this with a determination and dedication to perform to the highest of their ability and you’ve got a lethal combination. I can’t recall a release that was anticipated more in recent years, sometimes expectations this high can put a band under extra pressure but I’m glad to say Malthusian is well up to the task and has brought us one of the year’s best and most important releases. Even though it’s only March this is an EP that will feature highly when it comes to traditional end of year lists – it’s highly likely that for me this will be unbeaten this year. In a recent interview with Zero Tolerance when questioned about an album AC stated “We will put our heads down and work for as long as it takes to come up with an album’s worth of material that is free of any wasted minutes or filler. There is enough shit music in the world and we really don’t want to add to it!” I’ll second that and can’t wait to hear an album’s worth of their material but this EP will suffice in the meantime, it’s an EP that will change things and sets a very high standard for other bands to try and match. I have no hesitation whatsoever in giving this top marks. Unbelievable music.”