
Review: LEGION OF WOLVES – “Legio Luporum XIV” Posted: 18/11/2014 by Trevor McCormack

Legion_of_Wolves_-_Legio_Lvporvm_XIV_2014LEGION OF WOLVES latest release “Legio Luporum XIV” is the eagerly awaited follow up to 2012’s, rather excellent, “Mark Of The Legion”. The latter contained four tracks of crushing old school death metal and was highly regarded by critics and fans a like.

So have LEGION OF WOLVES topped the debut?

While “Mark Of The Legion” is a solid release, I feel the band have really defined themselves more this time round, as the tracks are more polished with a heavier, beefier production. Their brand of ancient Roman, war-themed, death metal is far more prominent with this release and really sets “Legio Luporum XIV” apart not only from the debut, but from many of their contemporaries too. This is obvious not only in the lyrical themes but the cover art, depicting the ‘Aquila’ or Eagle standard, which was the most important possession of ancient Roman legions.

The EP gets off the a flying start as lead track ‘Forsaken’ slowly builds tension with the use of reverse reverb on the opening riff before singer Krzysztof ‘Chris”Kostepski’s war cry see’s the ‘Legion’ charge forth. Gladius armed and javelins held high as they skewer their way into battle with solid chunky riffs intent on obliterating all those who oppose them without so much as a hint of remorse. I can almost hear this track being played over a battle scene in ‘Spartacus: Blood and sand’.

But this is not all what the band is about, as LEGION OF WOLVES have a great perception of dynamics. Rather than just bludgeon the listener for the duration of the EP, they mix up the tempo and arrangement so the tracks nicely complement each other. Like the violent attack of ‘Forsaken’ to the darker, slower malice of eponymous track ‘Legion Of Wolves’, followed by the album pinnacle track, ‘Dictation Of Reformation’. A track with an almost anthem like quality and the title which perfectly sums up what LEGION OF WOLVES are about, with references to the Roman Legio XIV as a fallen legion reformed by the amalgamation of two existing Legion’s much like the band members themselves coming from other notable bands such as ABADDON INCARNATE, MORPHOSIS, PRIMAL DAWN and more…

The album concludes with the immense ‘Laughter From The Utter Dark’ a track full of malicious, murderous intent with slow, grinding tempos as well as beautifully crafted lead guitar work with a sinister middle-eastern style akin to black metal titan’s BEHEMOTH. All-in- all, this is an exceptional release, solid from start to finish, without any weak link and a must, not only for Death Metal fans, but lovers of well written music alike!


Review by Trevor McCormack.
(Writer @ I.M.A. and DJ on Cranium Titanium)


[email protected]
